Servants of God targeting both our area and helping to bless the world with the Gospel of the Kingdom
Evangelistic ~ Bible Based ~ God Honoring ~ Christ Centered ~ Holy Spirit Filled ~ Non-denominational ~ All nations warmly welcomed
Currently on each weekend on air and streamed live and on the Internet 24/7! We have dramas on several stations on Saturdays and Sundays, weekly messages from current events broadcast in California, and verse-by-verse Bible Studies every Sunday morning at 8am on Radio Delaware Valley, with four different frequencies to cover a large area. Everything is live-streamed and also available online at kingdomgospelministries.org. You can also access our Life in the Spirit blog from this website.
We started because of the great divide between different ethnic groups, economic groups, educational groups and age groups. EVERYONE is needed if the whole Body of Christ is to come to its full potential in this earth. We seek to assist each person to reach their full potential in Christ by emphasizing obedience to the Word of God and a sensitivity to the Holy Spirit.
We have been led of the Lord to begin Kingdom Gospel Tabernacle - but need people tired of the church they see who want something more like the New Testament - more love, more power, more care for the poor. Fewer limits on what God can do. Call (215)659-5500 to talk if you think you may have an interest.
We are currently incorporated as a non-denominational spirit-filled assembly not part of any association, but simply part of the Body of Christ that actively intends to be ethnically, educationally, and economically diverse, following New Testament practice. Pastor John Teets has his ministerial credentials through Anchor Bay Evangelistic Association, and our sister organization, Kingdom Gospel Ministries, Inc., has a charter with that organization with a group 501c3 exemption recognized by the Internal revenue Service. Receipts will be issued for contributions in compliance with IRS regulations.
Pray for us and consider whether you wish to join with us for any of our gatherings. We welcome those who belong to other assemblies who may wish participate with us in activities that do not compromise their commitments to their home church. We believe in the UNITY of all blood-washed saints in the precious Body of Christ, his Bride for all eternity!
For a fuller biography: Click Here
We are solidly Bible-based, encouraging study and memorization of God's word, an openness to all the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and practical communication of God's word to us through teaching, demonstrations, drama, and the arts. This will not be a place for "pew potatoes", but for those who want to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit and actively participate in our gatherings. We want those who come to be prepared with a song, an exhortation, a prophecy, a testimony, or an encouragement. Some of these will be intended by God to be shared with the whole body, others with individuals. The church is the Body of Christ, and is not intended to center around anyone but Christ. As a church we are to love God and show his love to the world.
We believe in being wholly involved in the marketplace, and will encourage our members to write, speak, and demonstrate the love of God in so-called secular venues. Let us know if you are interested...
This is an opportunity to get in on the ground floor
GROWTH ~ We believe that each person needs to grow in every dimension. We will encourage and facilitate that, and make room in every service for ministry through the Body of Christ, not just the Pastor or speaker of the day. We want each member to be built up in him. We will encourage all to seek the gift of prophecy (I Cor. 14:1), and to find the gifts that God has distributed severally to those who love him.
MATURITY ~ We believe that Jesus Christ will be returning for a Bride without spot or wrinkle or ANY such thing. We will press ourselves and each other to live holy, as God is holy - not with manmade rules and regulations, but through active encouragement to please God through His Holy Spirit.
RECONCILIATION ~ We believe that the Body of Christ should not be divided along ethnic, economic, social, or age lines, but that we are to be one in Christ. We actively seek people of all backgrounds and cultures to grow together in Christ.
SALT AND LIGHT ~ We believe that we have been left in this world to be salt and light. We will seek to influence those in the marketplace with Godly and Christ-like ideas. We will seek to promote the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and principles of decency and justice.
DUPLICATION ~ We believe that the cell structure allows for the Body of Christ to meet in homes, in offices, in schools, colleges, and wherever the need is. As the number of cells grows, and leadership develops, our growth goal is to begin or facilitate new congregations wherever God might be planting the seed.
We gratefully receive contributions from those whom the Lord has directed to offer their support to Kingdom Gospel. We do not believe in being overly aggressive in pressing people to give, but trust God to lay it on the hearts of his people to be generous. We do not teach the Old Testament practice of tithing, but the New Testament practice of encouraging people to simply obey God in their giving and to give cheerfully in accordance with how God has blessed them. Collections in general will be through offering containers placed in the public area as opposed to "passing the plate", which would be only for special circumstances. (I Cor. 16:1-4, 2 Cor. 8:1-15, 9:6-15)
LEADERSHIP ~ We believe that the Word of God is the same yesterday, today and forever. We follow the Bible's qualifications for leadership, which restrict the offices of Bishop, Elder, Pastor and Teacher to males who meet all scriptural qualifications. Prophets, Evangelists, and Administrators have precedent in the scriptures for being of any sex who meet all spiritual qualifications. We believe that differences in role have no bearing of the value of each person, and highly esteem each person who is moving in God.
FELLOWSHIP ~ We believe that all those who believe that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God (I John 4:1-3), and will not restrict our fellowship to those who follow all aspects of Our Practices or our Statement of Faith if those with different beliefs are willing to abstain from open debate or contentiousness. The Bible says can two walk together except they be agreed, so if there are significant core differences, we must maintain the unity of this part of the Body of Christ. We believe we must give due attention to Doctrine (I Tim. 4:16, Titus 2:1) and have a reason for the hope that is in us. We believe there is only one set of truth, consistent with the character of God, and we will strive to bring God's people together around the immutable Word of God. We encourage cross-fertilization with all parts of the Body of Christ and do not want to be insular. We plan to welcome other assemblies to share with us and vice versa so all can be edified.
EMPHASIS ON SCRIPTURE ~ We intend to follow I Timothy 4:13 and have the scripture read aloud at every public gathering.
We intend to encourage every regular attendee to not only engage in regular Bible reading and Bible Study, but a regular program of Bible Memorization (Psalm 119:11).
We will encourage all parents to teach the scriptures to their children, and when possible, have their children learn from other responsible children, teens, and adults.
SERVICE ~ We believe that the entire Body of Christ is needed to minister to a hurting world. We will encourage each attendee to be a light where they are, to engage in the marketplace of ideas, and to make Christ known. This can be done through proclamation, service, and assistance to those in need.
INNOVATION ~ We believe that our Creator intends for us to be creative, and intend to use drama, scientific demonstrations, mime, dance, multimedia and every other means the Lord may put at our disposal to communicate the gospel. We believe that God looks at the heart and that he enjoys variety and fresh approaches.
CHILDREN ~ We intend to integrate children of an appropriate age into all the activities of the church - to read the scripture, to share their experiences, and to encourage each other. As we mature as a local assembly, there will doubtless be dedicated activities for children which we will develop as the need arises.
Phone: 215.659.5500 Fax: 215.674-9372
Email: KingdomGospel@comcast.net